
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Art and Craft in the OFFICE !

Due to boredom in the office, I have created a so-called "Swan" by using the stationery in my office. LOL. I shall teach you all how to do it.

First of all, you need to prepare a few things. Cellophane tapes, a ball of strings, a thin and long plastic strap, scissor, marker pen, a piece of paper, glue and 2 clips.

Next, wrap the plastic strap with strings until the you couldn't see the strap. like this.

Then, wrap part of it again as thick as you want to differentiate the beak, head and neck. Tape it so it will not be loosen. The thick part is the head, the long part is the neck and the short part is the beak.

Move on to next step. Bend the plastic strap using your creativity. This is to shape its neck.

After that, put it deeply into the hole in the middle of the string ball. Then, shape the neck again.

It almost done. Next, cut 2 small piece of paper in round shape and colour them with marker pen to make them look like eyes. Stick them on the head by using a glue.

Lastly, use the clips as the wings and clip them at both sides.

Hope you all enjoy doing it.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

body combat

Attending body combat class was my wish since the first day i knew about it. I saw this from other bloggers and shirts that people around me wearing. Plus, I'm a martial arts-lover, it is a lost for me if I did not try out the class.

Body Combat is " The world’s most popular pre-choreographed martial fitness program, combining martial taichi, karate, and kick-boxing. Non contact, fierce, energetic hi-impact fitness. Fight your way to the level of fitness you demand with one intense FUN class! "

These are the benefits which I plugged from other blogs.
" Benefits of Body Combat:
- Improves heart and lung function and reduces the risk of heart disease
- Tones and shapes key muscle groups
- Burns calories for a leaner body
- Improves co-ordination and agility
- Improves bone density
- Improves posture and core strength and stability
- Builds self-confidence "

Seriously, the class is fun ! I joined the class since last Thursday and I have decided to attend every classes without missing any of it unless there is some problem which stop me from going. I do not know how to express my feeling towards the class and describe the class, but it is really AWESOME !

I got some feedback from friends who says that I will be even thinner if I attend the class. These kind of comments actually will bring me deep down and hard to climb up again. Yet, I didn't listen to them as I have surveyed and ask for more info for the class. Yah, though I'm thin for you all, but I'm really not. >